although i may not be lengthy in what i blog, i absolutely LOVE reading what other people have to say! thank goodness for a nifty app that keeps them all in one place for me! of course there are a million more blogs out there, but i keep a rotation going of ones i can keep up with regularly.
currently loving:
apartment therapy - maybe because i have a small house, but this is so helping and inspiring for me
odeedoh - ditto above, kid version
crunchtime - fresh, yummy food
enjoying the small things - kelle is someone you just cant stop reading. love her story.
everyday food - it just is what it is folks
have cake, will travel - i honestly cant remember why i like this one, but i'm sure it's good
house tweaking - i think the remodel story officially sucked me in
keiko lynn - love her style
kendi everyday - ditto above
life chasers - a dear friend that i just adore
say yes to hoboken - one of my fave DIY'ers
the macro chef - for this new form of cooking i am embarking on (not quite macro, but similar in ways)
the beauty department - the multi-colored hair pic that's been floating around pinterest grabbed my attention!
would rather gather - vegan and such
post punk kitchen - more vegan and such